瀬戸内の世界中から注目されるアートの島、直島にある小さなスペシャルティコーヒースタンドです。日本の小さな物置小屋をリノベーションした入口が少々低い店舗は、妙に日本らしい雰囲気だと世界中のお客様から喜ばれます。提供されるコーヒーはエスプレッソという概念にこだわり、メニューはシンプルにエスプレッソとラテが中心です。■About Mikazuki-shoten
As a manager of an Apparel shop in Okayama, the owner of Mikazuki-shoten had been watching the Japanese fashion scene for many years when by chance he met a man from a completely different background, one of the leaders of the Japanese coffee business.Deeply fascinated by his coffee, the owner decided to open a specialty coffee stand on Naoshima island.
In other words, this coffee stand was started in partnership with Kinoshita-shoten in Setouchi-city, Okayama.
The owner always pursues ideal espresso coffee. He carefully chooses the best coffee beans in terms of the Japanese climate and the weather that day so that the coffee will be the best.
You can enjoy espresso or latte that he carefully brews and buy the coffee as a souvenir.

直島の朝と夕方をイメージしたオリジナルのブレンド、浅煎りの「朝味」、深煎りの「夕味」を瀬戸内の季節や日々の天気に合わせて店主が当日の味をセレクトして提供しています。こだわりのオリジナルスペシャルティコーヒー豆「朝味」「夕味」 はお土産としても購入可能です。
Our shop is located on Naosihma, which is known all over the world for its art.
There is a row of beautiful and nostalgic houses here, one of which has been rebuilt into the coffee stand, which still has an air of nostalgia.
Foreigners may feel, being in Japan, the entrance door of the shop is a little small, which is typical in Japan, so watch your head.
There is a row of beautiful and nostalgic houses here, one of which has been rebuilt into the coffee stand, which still has an air of nostalgia.
Foreigners may feel, being in Japan, the entrance door of the shop is a little small, which is typical in Japan, so watch your head.

Our shop also sells original denim, T-shirts, and so on.
The items always have a refined sense of taste and humor. We are sure you will be pleased with them feeling as if time passes a little more slowly in the shop.
The items always have a refined sense of taste and humor. We are sure you will be pleased with them feeling as if time passes a little more slowly in the shop.


2291-5, Naoshimacho, Naoshima-cho Kagawa-gun, Kagawa, 761-3110, Japan
Open. 8:30〜17:00
Thursday closed.
2291-5, Naoshimacho, Naoshima-cho Kagawa-gun, Kagawa, 761-3110, Japan
Open. 8:30〜17:00
Thursday closed.
〒706-0002 岡山県玉野市築港1-6-3
1-6-3, Chikko, Tamano-shi, Okayama, 706-0002, Japan